M Big Sis promoHearing your little baby’s heartbeat is such a wonderful sound. Knowing that baby is doing well inside is so comforting. Wayne and I like this reassurance before we tell the world we are expecting.

Let me clarify, we did share with our immediate families we were expecting number 2 right away. There was no way we could keep this news from them. As it turned out, almost all of them guessed what was going on before we had a chance to officially tell them. They know us way too well for secrets!

Now that we know baby is doing great it’s time to let the rest of our family and friends in on our little secret. After the doctor’s appointment, Madeline was having an extra cute day. I took some pictures of her analyzing the ultrasound pictures- her brother or sister’s very first photos! She wasn’t all that impressed. She took one look and threw the pictures on the ground. She had no interested in the ultrasound pictures after that. Hopefully, this isn’t a sign of things to come!

We let Madeline share her Big Sister Promotion news in picture form. We sent an email to family and friends and let Madeline do the rest. Of course, people were excited for us. There’s nothing like telling those you love that a baby is on his/her way!

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