Category: Featured
- Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm (Doors open at 6pm)
- Location: 1420 Sappington Rd, St. Louis, MO 63126
- 21+ Only
- Outside food welcome!
- Registration opens 7/21

Table Information
Purple Table $320
8 People
Unlimited Drinks
White Table $240
8 people
2 Drink Tickets
Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor – $10,000
- Sponsorship Recognition* –
- 2 VIP Tables**
- Opportunity to address the audience
- Provide hard copy and/or digital materials to share with event participants
Platinum Sponsor – $5,000
- Sponsorship Recognition*-
- 2 VIP Tables**
Gold Sponsor – $2,000
- Recognition on Event Signage
- 1 VIP Table**
Bar Sponsor – $3,000
- Logo on Bar
- 1 VIP Table**
Photo Booth Sponsor – $2,000
- Logo on Printed & Digital Pictures
- 1 VIP Table**
Bingo Round Sponsor – $500
- 1 of 10 rounds
- Round Recognition with message, logo & name
*Sponsorship Recognition- name/logo on Bingo Event marketing, social media and website promotions as well as signage and verbal messaging the night of the event
**VIP Tables (room for 8 players) will include unlimited beer, wine, water & soda delivered to your table.

Catherine Cares is excited to announce a partnership with the St. Louligans!
On January 20th, during the Louligans annual general meeting, Catherine Cares was announced as a charity partner with the Louligans. The Louligans is an organization with a storied history of being top notch St. Louis soccer supporters for 14 years. As we have come to know some members of the group we have recognized them as dedicated, passionate, extremely fun, welcoming and generous. Their impact on the St. Louis community has made St. Louis a better place to work, live, and play.
We are beyond thankful for the opportunity to partner with the Louligans. This partnership will help Catherine Cares uplift thousands more families experiencing an unimaginable journey. The heart of our mission is to serve families of babies facing a life-threatening diagnosis. Our Heartbeat Bears give families a tangible keepsake that provides comfort when they learn their precious baby has a life-threatening condition, an unforgettable moment.
We are both humbled and grateful the Louligan community will give families love and support in these moments. We can’t wait to share more details of this exciting partnership as the year unfolds!

If the Louligans are a group you’re unfamiliar with, please learn more about the St. Louis City SC Supporters Group and all they do for the St. Louis Community.
If you’d like to become a Louligan or assist with their game day experience, click below:

Catherine Cares can only continue to grow and do more to serve families by your valuable donations. Please consider going to our donate page to assist us in uplifting families.

Meet Katie!

Hello! My name is Katie Bommarito and I am the new Executive Director of Catherine Cares. I am beyond thrilled to take on this role with such an incredible organization.
Over the years, I have witnessed the beautiful and heartfelt mission of Catherine Cares come to life through the donations of Heartbeat Bears & restaurant and fuel gift cards to families whose babies receive a life-threatening diagnosis. During these unthinkable circumstances, we often don’t know what to say or how to comfort a hurting family. Through their own grief, Lauren & Wayne Turley created this nonprofit to let families know they are not alone on this journey. The Heartbeat Bears give families the gift of the sound of their baby’s heartbeat. It is painfully sad to think about, and yet, incredibly beautiful. Expecting a baby is an exciting and overwhelming life experience. Sadly, unfortunate situations happen and it leaves parents and their families hurting, confused, and unsure how to move forward. Catherine Cares’ Heartbeat Bears provide comfort, and a tangible reminder of a sweet and loved baby that will be cherished forever.
I am truly honored to be part of Catherine Marie’s legacy to give families a sign of love, and hope that they will weather this storm. Together, our Catherine Cares team, looks forward to partnering with additional hospitals, reaching more families, and expanding our services to discover creative ways to support all family members embarking on this difficult journey.
Family Day Activities
Catherine Cares hosts many activities in support of family day. This years kids activities were:
- Bags
- Coloring Sheets
- Cookie Decorating
- Outdoor Jenga
- Pumpkin Tic-Tac-Toe
- Photo Booth
- Squirrel Hunt
- Yodeling Contest
Photo Booth Pictures
Did you take a picture at Family Day? Feel free to download them below! Please be sure to post to social media with the #FamilyDay #OktoberfestSTL #UpliftingFamilies