This weekend we went apple picking with my family. I was overly excited for this field trip. It was a chance to be distracted and a great activity for Madeline. We were in a place where, God-willing, no one would know us. We could just enjoy the time with Madeline, her cousins, my siblings and parents. It was a mini-escape from all our worries.

On our way to the orchard, we received a call from a friend. She was at our house with food for us. FOOD! I couldn’t remember the last time I had been to the grocery store, a chore I usually don’t enjoy even when my life isn’t in shambles, and we were running low on just about everything. We were thrilled to have something already made in the fridge. We didn’t have to worry about dinner that night. This simple gesture meant the world to us. She filled a need we didn’t even realize we really needed during this time of waiting and uncertainty.

Wayne is also a big St Louis Rams’ fan. He tailgates for every home game. As it turned out, the Rams were away for 3 weekends in a row. Sunday was the first away game. It was so nice to have a break from tailgating preparations so we could just be a family this Sunday. Even though some of the game was painful to watch, we were watching them together and not hosting football fans at our tailgate spot. Family time is always important, but it was especially important now.

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